Living the Dream by Felicity Fox

4am Move over.
6:45 Wake up.
7:00 Dress.
7:15 Eat; brush.
7:30 Get in car; drive.
7:45 Sing songs whilst making lists in head: “This old man he had one.”
(Must try to finish list today)
8:00 Annoy driver who is up rear by harsh braking.
8:20 Throw child into nursery with complete strangers.
8:30 At desk, poised and professional.
8:35 Must drink coffee; make lists.
9am Discuss last night’s programmes.
Must check car lights are off.
9:30 Try writing another list, one which is more achievable.
10am More coffee.
10:30 Write irrelevant, insignificant and throughly boring release.
10.31 Must find new job.
11am Meet to plan meeting, must write contact report, i.e a list
Procrastinate and discuss last night’s X rated programme instead.
11:00 Coffee.
11.30 Tweet, Facebook and write happy stories for several bleary hours.
Coffee, surf and coffee, ignore majority of emails as they’re not on the to do. Stick to the plan.
5pm Finish.
5:05 Car dead. Must have left lights on.
5:10 Jump leads.
5:15 On the road.
5:20 In traffic.
6:00 Uni starts.
6:15 Fly into class.
6:16 What is he talking about?
6:20 Warrandice?
6:20-8-00pm – Nope. Make lists of Uni work to do, plus finish To Dos tomorrow.
8:00 Go Home.
8:30 Put Rollers in.
8:45 Make up.
9.00 Rollers out and Hairspray.
9:30 Back in Car.
Pick up Dancers.
10pm Arrive at club.
10:30 Dance.
11.00 Dance again.
11.30 Question life.
11.45 Drive Home.
12:00 Write blog.
Make a mental note to go to bed.
Check Twitter.
Who’s crying?
Must sleep before they get up.
Brush; Bed

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I write. Love Felicity Fox.

6 thoughts on “Living the Dream by Felicity Fox

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